Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Break Up-Make- Up (The B-M)

Based on friends and my experience with relationships in general, it seems that many long-term couples go through the "break-up, make-up" phases.
These could go for one week; they'd B-M
Or they could go on for a year; they'd B-M

What defines a couples love is IF they make-up after a break-up...

It normally takes a couple to realize after a break-up that they miss each other way too much to live without each other. That's when they make-up.

How exactly does a couple 'break-up'?

Multiple reasons:
-Bad Habits
-Loss of love

Now you may think the last one is absurd. But trust me, it isn't.

I know that people fall out of love because my parents did. That is why I was 7 years old with divorced parents. People fall out of love for no reason, however there could be a reason, but it had to be crucial.

Now, whats the difference between a fight and a break-up?

A fight is just when a couple has a slight argue that turns into..well a fight. They'll ignore each other, avoid each other, and stop talking to each other for a period of time.

Normally, with a couple, fights only last a day, maybe less, depending on the seriousness of the argument.

Now a break-up is a completely different story. All ties are cut. The couple doesn't initiate contact with the other person because they want to get over them right? True. Its a lot easier to get over someone when you don't see them or talk to them.

Break-Ups tend to be...well...very heartbreaking. Mostly for the girl, but don't get me wrong, the guy feels pain too....lets hops he does at least.

Then people ask me this question: How many B-M's should a relationship have?

Well, i only have one answer to that. Depends on the relationship HA!

Let's say...
A couple has been together for years.
They B-M all those years.
My say?
Its just how they are. If they didnt love each other, they wouldn't have made-up.

Now if a couple had mulitple B-M's in a week, I'd say break it off, its not worth it.

So the final question is...

How do you know when a breakup could be a potential "break up" if you make-up afterwards?

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